Best Environmental Consulting Solutions

Environmental Solutions is to provide full service environmental consulting, in order to meet and exceed our clients environmental needs on a national and international level with fast, accurate, and economical solutions.

Phase 1 reports, 7 days: 30% off if we also do the appraisal. Ben Boothe's Certified Environmental Inspectors.

Explore Solutions

Solutions Offered N.E.P.A Reports, Phase I, II, III Site Assessments, Asbestos Consulting, Environmental Remediation, Contained Site Services, Hazardous Waste Services, Asbestos Inspections, Mold Inspections, Consulting on Petrolium oil and gas projects

N.E.P.A. Reports

We are experienced in conducting environmental impact studies that comply with N.E.P.A.

N.E.P.A. means the (NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT). In that act, any federal project, or agency that contracts for work, must first comply with N.E.P.A.


We have experience in major projects throughout the country in NEPA compliance, and will provide full service to make those needing quick, efficient, and cost effective N.E.P.A. compliance.

In recent years our firm has completed more N.E.P.A. reports for Federal Prisons than any firm in the U.S.A.

If you are dealing with the Federal Government, we can make it easy for you, and the Federal Government agency involved, making N.E.P.A. compliance issues manageable.

Phase I Site Assessments (2-7 day turn around) (A.A.I. compliant)

  • A physical on site inspection
  • Site history investigation including previous usage
  • Federal, State, and Local agency records research
  • Completion of a 50 yr. historical title search identifying the previous use, handling, and storage of hazardous materials.

Phase II Site Assessments (7-14 day turn around)

  • Physical review of the property and development of sampling strategy
  • Sample collection and analysis by qualified, experienced professionals
  • A comprehensive report including the identity of the problem, cost-effective solutions, and a cost analysis that may impact property transfer transactions and/or remediation alternatives.

Phase III Site Assessment

  • Additional detailed investigation
  • Establish and implement remediation plan with approval of appropriate environmental agencies
  • Monitor plan implementation and document process

Asbestos Consulting


  • Inspections are destructive (pre-demolition) or non destructive

 Follow up to inspections:

  • Manage the asbestos in place
  • Have asbestos removed
  • A combination of each

 Air Monitoring:

  • Personal air monitoring for employees who are working in environments where they are or maybe exposed to asbestos, in compliance with current OSHA regulations. 

EPA and OSHA Asbestos and Mold Licenses

  • Asbestos inspections and consulting on remediation
  • Mold inspections and consulting on remediation

Hazardous Waste Disposal

We offer a complete range of oil and hazardous waste disposal resources. We provide services in strict accordance with the regulations of the US Department of Transportation, state agencies, and local authorities.

On staff provides on-site sampling and testing of waste streams, waste characterization and profiling, and the sourcing and selection of approved recycling, transfer, storage, and disposal facilities.

Disposal Capabilities Include:

  1. Bulk loads of liquids and contaminated soils, totes, drums and specialty containers comprised of solids, liquids, and sludge. Our compliance team ensures that waste streams are accurately manifested under proper shipping documentation and that they are tracked "cradle to grave"!
  2. We offer economical and environmentally sound transportation and disposal services to waste generators of solvents, acids, caustics, PCB’s, laboratory wastes, and other mixed and regulated waste streams. 

Tank Services

Provide supervision and will oversee turnkey construction services for the removal, cleaning, maintenance, and upgrade of petroleum/chemical storage and distribution systems.

  1. Tank Cleaning, Testing, and Assessment
  2. Tank Closure
  3. Tank System Removal
  4. Site Restoration

Confined Space

Our staff is fully trained in confined space entry and confined space rescue. We can perform storage cleaning, hazard evaluation, and/or standby rescue services.

Oil and Gas

Petroleum geologist and engineer credentials of our Asscociates provide expertise in the petroleum industry to provide "practical" consulting.

Environmental Remediation

Cleanup a site such that any residual contaminant levels are below established threshold cleanup levels or risk-based cleanup levels. Remediation program is structured to meet specific regulatory agency requirements.

The remediation program includes:

  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Pilot Study
  3. Corrective Action Plan
  4. Remedial Action Plan
  5. Implementation of Remediation
  6. Post Remediation Verification Sampling
  7. Post Remediation Monitoring
  8. Closure Report

 Remediation Examples:

  1. Excavate and haul soil offsite to an approved soil disposal/treatment facility
  2. Excavate and treat soil onsite using bioremediation, vapor extraction, etc.
  3. Other forms of remediation including soil washing, solidification/stabilization, etc.
Our goal is to work with our clients to design cost-effective remedial solutions that will meet the prescribed target cleanup objectives within specified time frames as dictated by the project needs. 

Emergency Response Consulting

Emergency response teams which we can consult with are on call 24 hours a day to mitigate and remediate the release of oil and hazardous materials to the environment. Clients typically engage our services in response to the sudden release of oil and/or hazardous materials involving transportation and industrial accidents. Oftentimes these accidents present an imminent threat to public health and the environment and require immediate response actions to stabilize and control the scene.

General Consulting on:

  1. Site Specific Health and Safety Plans
  2. Spill Containment and Control
  3. Remediation and Clean-up of Oil and Hazardous Materials
  4. Confined Space Entry and Rescue
  5. Site Investigation, Environmental Monitoring, and Risk Assessment
  6. Product Recovery and Transfer
  7. Waste Storage, Transportation & Disposal
  8. Site Restoration
  9. Emergency Response Management
  10. Designs, plans, specifications, & construction documentation
  11. Ongoing environmental monitoring

About Us

We do global environmental consulting, stressing “solutions”. We provide consulting for communities, cities, states, governments, corporations for environmental planning, resolution, and how to find solutions for your situation. In some cases, planning, policies, and consulting by an independent consulting company provides advice and can help you to avoid problems for years in the future.

  • Our team has experience in many nations. International orientation. We will go anywhere on earth for you.
  • We have experience with cities, states, governments, in helping them deal with strategic environmental planning and policies. We understand political issues and the challenges needed for regulatory and practical problem solving of environmental issues.
  • We have experience in inspections, evaluations, and preparing detailed environmental evaluations. We include an exploration geologist and petrolium engineer in our associate credentials.
  • Environmental Solutions can help remediate your environmental problems, or give you detailed instructions of how to solve problems efficiently.
  • Environmental consulting, planning and policy formulation
  • Asbestos inspections: RAPID RESPONSE ON ASBESTOS
  • Phase I, II and III
  • Industrial and Municipal Evaluation
  • Oil and Gas drilling and operating

We not only do: Phase I, 2 and 3 Reports (7 day turn-around), but we do environmental feasibility, environmental impacts upon value, and ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS and NEPA studies for large projects needing state and federal funding for Prisons, Hospitals, Highway impacts, Commercial and Community projects. We also are interested in is helping create development of Desalination plants for municipal and agricultural use where water is short yet there is an underground ocean of saline or salt water.

In 2014 We did Environmental Developments in N. Dakota, Industrial Buildings Environment in New Hampshire, Environmental Study on retail centers in New Mexico, and Env Phase 1 & 2 on radio and radioactive properties in Texas.

Ben Boothe, Founder

Ben has 30+ years environmental experience in several states and countries. His supervising experience includes pre-development consulting, oil & chemical spills, cleanup, asbestos review, strategic environmental consulting, and work for numerous corporations, banks, and agencies. His work has taken him to Romania, India, Cambodia, Mongolia, China, Mexico. He is also an expert in the positive economic benefits of good environmental policy.

Ben serves on the Board of Governors of the Shrine Children's Hospitals, LA.


  • Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas.
    Bachelor of Arts Degree,
    Graduated 1970
  • Instructor:
    Southern Methodist University
    (Southwestern Graduate School of Banking).
    1991--6 Hours Study on Ethics, Title 11 FIRREA Compliance, Banking.
  • Real Estate Training Institute:
    Real Estate Market Psychology #0523.
    30 Hours, Fort Worth, Texas. Completed 10-4-90
  • Real Estate Training Institute:
    General Principals, Real Estate Appraisal #0211.
    30 Hours, Fort Worth, Texas.Completed 1988
  • Real Estate Training Institute:
    Real Estate Law #0311.
    30 Hours, Fort Worth, Texas.Completed 1988
  • New York University and Laventhol & Horwath, New York, NY.
    Laventhol & Horwath Course On "Federal Income Taxation of Partnerships (Impact Upon Valuation)". 16 Hours.July 20-21, 1988
  • Dearborn Financial Institute:
    Practices and Appraisal Ethics #5001.
    15 Hours, Dallas, Texas. Completed 1991
  • National Association of R/E Appraisers:
    Uniform Residential Appraisal Report Course
    June 29-30, 1989, Dallas, 15 Hours
  • National Association of R/E Appraisers:
    Appraising Condominiums,
    August 17-18, 1989, Dallas, 15 Hours
  • National Association of R/E Appraisers
    Becoming An Expert Witness Appraiser
    March 22-23, 1990, 15 Hours
  • Real Estate Training Institute:
    Client Representation.
    30 Hours, Fort Worth, Texas. Completed 1990
  • Environmental Assessment Association.
    8 Hours "Environmental Inspections and Appraisals".
    Las Colinas, Texas. June 7, 1991
  • International Association of Assessing Officials
    (Member of Appraisal Foundation)

    Course 2 - Income Approach to Valuation
    July 24, 1992 - University of New Mexico, 30 hours
  • Appraisal Institute - North Texas Chapter
    Standards SPP Part A - Dallas, Texas
    March 5, 1992, 15 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Standards Part A (course 420, 10 hours) - Dallas, Texas
    April 23 & 24, 1993
  • Appraisal Institute
    Course 420 - Part B "Standards", 11 hours
    April 24, 1993
  • Appraisal Institute
    Appraisal Practices for Litigation
    August 5 & 6, 1993; Bedford, Texas; 14 hours
  • Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation
    ASB Informational Meetings on USPAP Revisions
    July 11, 1994; Dallas, Texas; 7 Hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Texas Property Tax Consulting/Court Presentation
    March 7, 1995; Dallas, Texas; 3 hours
  • International Right-of-Way Association Chapter 36 Condemnation and Litigation
    May 12, 1995, Dallas, Texas; 7 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Technology Video Conference at Compass Communications Group
    October 12, 1995; Dallas, Texas; 4 hours
  • Appraisal Institute - Central Texas Chapter
    Residential Appraisal Problems in the Tarrant County and Surrounding Areas
    May 29, 1996; Fort Worth, Texas; 2 hours
  • Appraisal Institute - North Texas Chapter
    Fair Lending and the Appraiser
    June 21, 1996, Dallas, Texas, 7 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Banking/Appraisal Law and Regulations
    February 3, 1997, Fort Worth, Texas; 8 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Real Estate Law
    February 13, 1997, Dallas, Texas; 2 hours
  • Continuing Education Institute
    Exchanges/Structuring 1031 Exchanges
    February 19, 1997, Fort Worth, Texas; 8 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Income Capitalization, Course 310
    May 4-9, 1998; Houston, Texas; 30 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Advanced Sales & Cost Approaches, Course #11530
    March 1-7, 1998; Plano, Texas; 36 hours + Exam 4 hours
  • National Association of Master Appraisers,
    Lincoln Graduate Center Standards of Professional Practice

    March 22, 1998; Dallas, Texas; 15 hours
  • Lincoln Graduate Center Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices
    March 22-23, 1998; Dallas, Texas; 15 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Course 1310 Basic Income Capitalization
    May 4-9, 1998, Houston; Texas; 36 hours + Exam 3 hours
  • The Columbia Institute
    Environmental Site Analysis - Impact on Real Estate Transactions, #112
    January 18, 1999; Dallas, Texas; 8 hours
  • The Columbia Institute
    USPAP Update, #101
    January 21, 1999; Addison, Texas; 8 hours
  • The Columbia Institute
    Reviewing Complex Residential Appraisals
    January 22 & 23, 1999; Addison, Texas; 16 hours.
  • The Columbia Institute
    1999 FHA Appraisal Rules #110
    September 13, 1999; Addison, Texas; 8 hours
  • Passed United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Appraiser Examination:
    September 21, 1999
  • Lincoln Graduate Center
    Residential Approach to Value, #512
    March 6 - 9, 2002; San Antonio, Texas; 30 hours
  • Lincoln Graduate Center
    Writing the Narrative Appraisal, #660
    March 10, 11, 2002; San Antonio, Texas; 15 hours
  • Lincoln Graduate Center
    USPAP Update
    July 13 and 14, 2002; Irving, Texas; 15 hours
  • Appraisal Institute
    Highest and Best Use
    October 24 - 30, 2002; Chicago, Illinois; 36 hours
  • Robinson Real Estate School
    Income Appraisals
    November 8 - 10, 2002; Houston, Texas; 30 hours
  • Dearborn Financial Institute, Inc.
    Mold and Mildew Claims
    November 11, 2002: Dallas, Texas; 8.0 hours
  • McKissock, Inc.
    FHA Appraising - recertification
    December 2, 2002; Dallas, Texas; 7 hours
  • McKissock, Inc.
    Information Technology & The Appraiser
    December 3, 2002; Dallas, Texas; 7 hours
  • McKissock, Inc
    Uniform Standards Appraisal Practice
    December 17, 2002; Dallas, Texas; 7 hours
  • McKissock, Inc
    Income Capitalization
    January 6, 2003; Dallas, Texas; 7 hours
  • International Consulting
    Environmental Consulting in U.S.A, India, Cambodia, Ecuador, Romania, Germany, Mongolia, China, Bangladesh plus other nations.
  • Academic career
    Professor and Consultant at over 12 universities
  • Publication
    Publisher of several environmental works

Mike Habash

Mike Habash has more than 30 years of experience in environmental consulting business. He has Master degree in Geology.

  • EDUCATION: Masters degree in Geology from State University of New York at Buffalo, 1980
  • LICENSES: EPA and OSHA Asbestos and Mold licenses
  • Exploration Geologist, Premier Oil Company, Dallas, Texas (1980-1995): Experience included development of new oil and gas prospects. Mapping and creating surface and subsurface geological maps. Well logs interpretation. Estimating oil and gas wells cost and profits. Estimating reserves and writing geological and engineering reports.
  • Environmental Engineer, Department Manager, Maxim Engineers Company, Dallas (1995- 2000): Experience included Asbestos inspection and surveys, Air Monitoring and project management, closeout and reports writing. managed a broad range of projects including acquisition related due diligence, soil/groundwater remediation, environmental assessments and environmental impact statements, and field programs necessary to support such projects. Business development responsibilities include maintaining relationships with clients, expanding client base, assistance in the preparation of marketing materials, and presentations to clients.
  • Environmental Engineer and Owner and president of Enviro Consulting System, Inc., Euless, Texas (2000-Present): Experience included Asbestos, Lead, and Mold inspection and surveys. Air monitoring and project management, developing work specifications and protocols. Writing proposals to clients. Making decisions on job related health and safety issues, closeout and reports writing. Supervise 5 employees. Serve as project site health and safety officer for the investigation, construction maintenance and operation of environmental remediation projects. Provide health and safety oversight for environmental investigation in residential, commercial and industrial settings.

Bob Stewart P. E.

Title: Sr. Engineering Consultant

Mr. Stewart has 34 years of experience managing development and implementation programs. He managed ETC Corporation's toll integration projects and assisted with detailed transition plans for its RITE Project. Mr. Stewart managed ETC Corporation's successful proposal to install the RITE system for the Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) and assisted the program team at ETC in developing management systems and program planning for HCTRA.

Mr. Stewart initiated and managed the HCTRA EZ TAG refurbishment facility. This effort included defining the tag refurbishment processes, purchasing the appropriate equipment, writing specifications for the software management system, hiring and training personnel, and managing all suppliers for the program.

Mr. Stewart has 30 years experience managing military electronics programs at Texas Instruments. In 1997, Mr. Stewart joined Amtech Systems Corporation as program manager for the SunPass Electronic Toll Collection System. In this role, he managed the development and deployment of the SunPass system for the Florida Department of Transportation. The SunPass system required major component and software development and system testing. Mr. Steward, served as the central program customer interface between FDOT and Amtech, managed the SunPass program office and system development staff in Dallas, coordinated with the component design engineering staff in Albuquerque, and kept the FDOT crew and management informed of all progress.

SunPass upgraded existing lanes and added new lanes for approximately 16 express (open road) toll lanes, 50 dedicated electronic toll collection lanes and 150 mixed-use lanes. Public acceptance of the SunPass system far exceeded FDOT projections, resulting in over 2 million tags deployed in Florida.

  • EDUCATION: BSME, MSEA, Southern Methodist University
  • CERTIFICATIONS: Professonal Engineer, Texas: License No.29716
    Professional Engineer, Louisiana, License No.31620